Vibrant Wellbeing & Awakening

with Alchemy Upgrades & Alchemy Massage





What is Alchemy?

In olden days Alchemists transmuted lead into gold. Today Alchemy is the art of transforming consciousness – turning shadow into light.


This means:

• Identifying low frequency feelings/ emotions / states / or situations that are causing you problems or suffering (physical, mental emotional or spiritual).

• Asking my Alchemy teams to clear this from wherever it’s located in your body and energy fields (that I call your multi-dimensional matrix).

• Then I ask my Alchemy teams to bring in light and to recode your consciousness to the highest optimal level for you.

• The teams are light beings – including the Christex Ascension team, Pleadians, Lemurians, Atlanteans, Egyptian goddesses, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene and the Dolphins. And they do the work.


Alchemists are consciousness practitioners who work with alchemy teams and sacred technologies to activate transformations in your health, wealth, relationships, rejuvenation and spiritual awakening. Alchemy can also be used to heals pets and transform stuck situations for example legal situations and family dynamics.


How does it work?

Our body, life and experiences are created by our thoughts. Thousands of subconscious patterns, beliefs, conditioned behaviours, inherited programmes from our parents, ancestors, past lives and parallel realities play out in our lives every minute of every day. They create our reality, below the level of our conscious awareness.


Following your desired outcome, alchemy practitioners test the relevant life areas e.g. overall frequency, level of nervous system activation, level of joy, level of trauma at the beginning of the session. Alchemy practitioners perceive imbalances as fields of consciousness with low frequency energies. These are discovered, cleared and removed. And you are recoded with light, divine and ascension codes in alignment with your highest divine blueprint. Then the levels of your life areas are retested. If they are not completely transformed, either an integration period is required, or interference needs to be unearthed and cleared. So creative alchemists are also skilful intuitive investigators.

(A very simplified explanation).


When I arrived for the session I felt that I was surrounded by a dark energy and now I feel like a goddess,” Beate C, project manager, Arillas, 2.12.24


Alchemy Upgrades

I am passionately excited to have reconnected to this skill from a past life at this time to assist in humanities spiritual evolution. I help you transform the specific aspects of your life you want to change. And alchemy’s not just for human beings, it can also heal your pet, or shift a stuck life situation or relationship into greater ease and resolution.


Your sessions are life-saving for me. I was totally out of my body and now I’m completely present, grounded and calmed down“. A, Arillas Tarot card reader, 15.10.24


Benefits of Alchemy Sessions

Alchemy sessions can revitalise your nervous system, free you from stress, heal self-sabotage, and trauma, and even bring in rejuvenation codes to reverse ageing.  Sessions can make you feel lighter, bring you pain relief, reduce anxiety and depression, calm overwhelm and clear blocks on your ascension journey. Each session is tailored to your specific needs.


  • Heal pain, anxiety, depression and overwhelm and insomnia.
  • Leap forward on your ascension journey and begin to embody your highest divine blueprint.
  • Heal your self or your pet from chronic health imbalances by getting to the root.
  • Achieve breakthroughs you didn’t know were possible and liberate stuck situations into flow .
  • Experience deep rejuvenation for youthful, vibrancy, vitality  and life force energy.
  • Change your identity into who you’ve always wanted to be and live the life you are longing for.
  • Almost anything you can articulate can be achieved through alchemy


Alchemy Massage

Let yourself be completely taken care of during a massage journey infused  with light languages from higher dimensions, cosmic healing codes from star nations and activations from ancient healing temples.

Alchemy Massage includes a short consultation so I can open a powerful healing field and activate your intentions.


Your massage begins with a subtle massage of your aura and energy fields channelled from my alchemy teams. Through the movement of my hands they detect and undertake repairs needed in your body and energy fields.  This  can activate grounding, seal tears in your energy fields, raise your frequency, calm your nervous systems, activate emotional release and bring you into a deep state of peace and calm.

Then during professional hands on holistic bodywork, I detect and release trauma, negative beliefs, fear, and see glimpses of past experiences that are creating the tension in your physical body. The teams send healing energetic frequencies of care, love and relaxation, embodiment and grounding.



Alchemy  Teams

My alchemy teams are the ones who deliver the healings. They include the Pleadians with Galactic light codes, the blue/green marine Altanteans who dive deeply into healing core wounds with light language, the Christ Child is a golden babe who heals inner child wounds.

High vibrational angelic teams raise your consciousness and that of humanity, The Temple of Isis is a sacred healing space that heals with secrets known to our ancestors in ancient Egypt. It holds high vibration Divine Feminine energy to heal abuse and women’s issues. The Priestesses of Lemuria focus on grounding you into the core crystalline structure of the earth and creating a matrix of crystalline light within you, activating your 5th Dimensional self.




I work with the Christ/Christess consciousness ascension team who connect us to the unified field of consciousness;  Mary Magdalene heals relationships and recodes damaged DNA with a divine river of love. Combined they form the Christex that recodes us to our highest divine state possible.


Dolphins bring joyful innocence & abundance into our lives.



The Safety Crystal Cocoon is a sacred technology that calms the nervous

system, instills peacefulness,

lightness, divine connection

and groundedness.




The Lemurians activate the earth’s crystalline structure and ground us.



About Me

I’ve been psychic since birth in Ireland, trained in holistic and sacred energy massage in 1997 in Mexico, and  qualified as an aromatherapist in London in 2001, and I have been training as an alchemist since the beginning of 2024 in Corfu. For more about me see:

Sessions are at reduced rate until the end of my training on 10 June 2024. The reduced rate is in exchange for feedback. For subscribers to my newsletter the reduced rate extends until the end of June. Subscribe to my newsletter here:

For info and bookings contact:   



What Others Are Saying:

“I feel lighter, I can breathe more deeply and better. I feel more spacious inside and more expanded around my heart and my back. The upper and lower parts of my body which are usually  disconnected are now connected. I feel more embodied, present and grounded. My anxiety is quiet and I don’t feel any overwhelm”. Client, Corfu, 30.3.24

‘I reconnected to something very familiar, it felt like coming home and was very sweet and moving. My inner saboteur was turned around into a supportive voice. I got a clearer sense of my core identity, now a more truthful one is accessible’. Amanda – Sacred Sexuality Practitioner & Teacher, UK, 23.3.34

Cliona is an amazing alchemist. I Highly recommend working with her‘.

~Dominique Mali, creative alchemist, teacher and founder of New Earth Alchemy Academy, Portugal,  31.3.24

I am so grateful to my teacher Dominique Mali and my peers in the New Earth Alchemy Academy where I am attending my alchemy training.

See for more info.





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