Wild Divine Light

Soul Journeys to Transformation and Awakening

Newsletter – December 2024

Cliff top Portrait discreet WhiteIt’s with great love and joy that I write to you in the last month of 2024. More and more I’m remembering that we are One and when we love ourselves, we are loving the rest of the world too. I am offering a Special Wintertime gift of a free session to the first three subscribers who apply before 25 January 2025.


Preparing for the Winter Solstice and the New Year

Winter is a time to focus on your inner world. Take time to rest, go to bed early, hibernate and grow your inner visions. What are your deepest longings and what do you yearn for?

What do you want to grow, create, bring into being in 2025?

Ask yourself who do I love and make an inner commitment to spend more time with them.

Ask yourself what brings me joy and makes me feel good about myself? Make the answer(s) a priority in your life.

Let go of old gripes, forgive others and forgive yourself.

Re balance – if you are someone who consistently gives, find a way to receive e.g., book yourself a massage, a spa day, go for a walk in the countryside and receive the gifts of nature. Arrange a chat with a good friend, or ask someone for a hug.

When you do these nourishing things, not only does it benefit you but it ripples out into the collective and helps everyone else too.




Winter Solstice the 21st December

It is the shortest day and the longest night because the tilt of the earth makes the sun at the lowest point in the sky. While it might make you gloomy to consider that this is the official start of winter, our forebearers celebrated this turn of the Wheel of the Year because the return of the light meant more daylight and warmth. Winter Solstice is a good time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the end of old year and to name our dreams, wishes and visions for 2025.

Alternatively, you may prefer to spend this special time in solitude tuning in to the still pulse of winter. Allow the stillness to bring you to the centre of your being. Become aware where you are spiritually, mentally, emotionally. Then let your direction for next year unfold from this still place inside of you.


25th December

The Christian holy day celebrating Christ’s birth has become instead a festival of consumption.

While most of the Western world revs up into a frenzy of buying for Christmas, you can choose another way and instead opt out and don’t buy presents. This is an agreement I instigated in my family a few years ago, which everyone seems to appreciate.

I find it sad that some people think it’s necessary go into debt because society says you should buy. Instead, you could take time to bring yourself into a state of love, peace and harmony and radiate that out to your loved ones giving them the gift of your presence.


Being Alone at Christmas

When I was travelling I spent one Christmas alone because I didn’t know anyone to share it with and I was surprised that I enjoyed myself immensely, to be on my own agenda, eat when I wanted and go for a long hike and even go swimming and I had a Zoom call with my family in the evening.

But it’s not like that for everyone. If you know you are going to be alone at Christmas and don’t want to be, you could consider inviting an acquaintance you know is also going to be alone to join you for a simple meal or to watch a Christmas film together; Or volunteer at a soup kitchen, work for a crisis helpline, or do a silent vipassana retreat from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day.

If you are really struggling call Samaritans. To find a local phone line in your country, click here: www.samaritans.org/

Or read this page: www.suffolkmind.org.uk/advice-information/

Above all reach out, don’t suffer in silence.


A Winter Film to Enjoy


It’s Time is a documentary about creating a new paradigm of wellness and in particular using light, sound and frequency including our voices to heal. It explains how conventional medicine is an unsustainable model and we need new ways to heal ourselves.

The film’s experts say that the healing of the future is: remembering that we are part of nature and spending time in it; Using light and sound, energy and frequency to heal; Speaking words of love to ourselves and each other because this changes the water molecules inside our bodies, creating good health; Remembering that we are all One and our true nature is love, and gathering in groups combats isolation would relieve distress and bring optimal health and to many people today.




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Book News

I have begun editing the last chapter of my book. Even when the book is edited I still need to work out how to make an e-book and then a printed book so it’s still too early to give an ETA but it will be approximately in Spring 2025.




Extract from the final draft of Ever The Sea Calls Me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening:

Fifth Lesson from the Sea: No Effort

Small waves roll to shore, chuckling over tiny pebbles and broken shells at the water’s edge, then grazing back into the milky froth. The pebbles and shells at the water’s edge are uncomfortable to walk on and I make a hasty shallow dive into the clear blue water.

As I float in the warm sea beside an unpopulated stretch of Piscinas beach, the Divine Feminine talks to me: ‘When the sea is calm no effort is needed to float in the warm water at the surface. The sun warms the skin with no effort.’

I emerge cool from the purifying bath and flop face down on to my sun-warmed towel and sink into the dusty sand. The sound of the sea is a restful purr as the water pulls back, breathing in, only to retreat again, breathing out, and repeats this again and again with no effort, into eternity, until the illusion of the world vanishes – delivering us into oceanic oneness.

I contemplate this wisdom. If I resist the call to go where I am guided, I am stepping away from the law of no effort into contraction, fear, mind and ego. If I am concerned about leaving the safety and familiarity of Torre dei Corsari, I’m not in trust.

But it’s a big ask. Most people know where they are going to be living from one day to the next. Yet somehow my path has been different ever since I left England. In fact, my path had always been different. I became the rebel of my family as a teenager who abandoned the church at sixteen and left my homeland aged nineteen armed only with a suitcase and a head full of dreams and a plane ticket to London. That was a before I realised that I wanted to write and I freelanced for every magazine I could until I landed a job in as internet editor, the year the internet exploded across the globe. That feels a lifetime ago.

I find that even outside the water I can converse with the Divine. Why do I never know where I’m going to be living next until the last minute?

‘You do not need to know,’ she replies.

The sound of the sea soothes me, salt on my back dries prickly in the hot sun, and water trickles out of my ear resting on my towel. When a mosquito bite on my foot itches, I sit up to distract myself from the urge to scratch. Instead, I look towards the hazy horizon. It takes no effort to breathe in rhythm with the waves, to link up my being to the vast ocean of all that is and breathe with it, to let myself be breathed by existence.

Breathing linking me to eternity.

The sun is shining across a calm sea today. Its path across the sea is shimmering in line with where I’m sitting, an invitation to walk out on to that golden path, like Yeshua did. It’s a bridge between here and the new world being born in me and across the planet. That divine feminine golden eternal energy is flowing into me through the undulating ribbon of light, glittering, sparkling, energising, tantalising. Like a mirage, it fades when a fly buzzes around my head. I swat at it in irritation and my mind kicks in again,

And the accommodation?

‘Everything will be lined up before you leave: where to go, the money, the accommodation …’

Right, so no planning or booking tickets?

‘Not yet.’ Normally I would worry about these things. I guess this is what’s meant by handing things over to God.

I’m in heaven and don’t want to go anywhere, so it takes no effort to flop on to my towel face down. I feel like I’m also dropping my mind into the soft sand. The sun is soporific and soon I drift off to the lullaby of the sea song, being breathed by the sea. In and out. I drift into a dream of a golden vegetable garden on a farm near the sea, close by a mountain where Mary Magdalene sits in a cave in meditation … Then it’s me sitting in the cave in meditation … and knowing that the Beloved is returning imminently and I’ve been waiting millennia for this time.

I’ve missed you so much! My heart swells and breaks as tears well up.

A cawing seagull whirls aimlessly over the bleached beige sandstone cliff edge behind me. How long have I slept? The emotions from the dream bleed into waking life and I put my hand on my heart to soothe the ache of sadness. Am I going back to France?

The sun looks an hour from setting as I stoop to wash my hot face. How warm the shallow water is here! I can’t resist the lure of the sea and I glide into the shallows again. I don’t gasp at the coolness this time. After the first wave I submerge easily into breaststroke and swim towards the sun along the golden bridge of divine light.

Any other wisdom today?

‘You are not alone. Whenever you think that again, remember you are a drop in the endless ocean among a myriad of drops. You are part of the infinite eternity. As it is now, it always shall be. Any other perception is illusion and ego.’



Special Wintertime Freebie (to 25 January)

Three free sessions to first three subscribers who ask. Email cliona@wilddivinelight.com.


Crystalline Matrix (20-minute sessions)

The Crystalline matrix clears low frequency energetics & brings in higher levels of light. It can be programmed for abundance, balance, healing, beauty, teeth healing, rejuvenation, or whatever you want.

(Some videos of Crystalline Matrices are now available on You Tube).

Sacred Technology (20-30-minute sessions)

1. Safety Crystal Cocoon – to heal trauma, repair and balance the nervous system and create a sense of safety.

2. Earth Crystalline Template – to ground and anchor you into the New Earth.



Low price sessions for subscribers till end of January 2025

You pay from €/£80 – 144. (The usual price is €/£90 to 188).

Available online anywhere in the world, and in person in Corfu.


Wishing you peaceful and blessed Winter Holidays, Solstice and Christmas filled with light and joy and unlimited possibilities. May 2025 bring you joy, good health, love, clarity, prosperity and opportunities to share yourself and your gifts and light you up inside.


With love,



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