Wild Divine Light

Soul Journeys to Transformation and Awakening

Wild Divine Light Newsletter – September 2024

Dear Friend,Cliff top Portrait discreet White

Welcome to the September edition the newsletter. Thank you for your support.

On Monday, friends and neighbours celebrated the New Moon at the Living Forest an old growth olive grove and rewilding project a stone’s throw from where I live.

New Moon is a time to set intentions for what you want to birth later this month…. It’s also a time of expanding into our true nature. I experienced that last week when I cleared all fear from my body. Read about it below. Coming Soon: Alchemy Videos appearing on You Tube.



  • A Vision For The New Earth
  • Stay Balanced in Turbulent Times
  • Through the Portal of Fear into Awakening
  • Illuminate Yourself by Clearing Karma
  • Rejuvenation & Wellbeing Retreat
  • Book Extract & News
  • Offers & Freebies


A Vision For The New Earth

A new friend Karl Braveman launched this beautiful six-minute video of his vision for the New Earth on You Tube, which has now had 15,000 views.

Watch on YouTube




How To Stay Grounded in Turbulent Times

• Get grounded. Visualise roots going into the core crystal in the heart of the earth and anchor yourself in there. Walk barefoot on the grass.

• Spend time in Nature.

• Put your hand on your belly and breathe in there to come back to your centre.

• Have compassion for yourself and everyone you meet.

• Slow down and rest when you need to.


Through the Portal of Fear into Awakening

Fear is the most prevalent human emotion in all its many forms of anxiety, nervousness, worry, terror, flight, freeze and dissociation…Releasing this from your body and your consciousness can have far reaching effects including reducing tension, stiffness and rigidity; healing sore knees, bad backs, period pain, and constipation to name a few.

I’m delighted to say when I released the last layers of fear from my birth trauma with Alchemy healing, I had a massive expansion. The release was so profound and created so much inner space, when I got on the dance floor at ecstatic dance I experienced myself as spaciousness, with no centre, the chatter in my head was gone. I was present, peaceful, calm with a quiet joyfulness, and a huge sense of compassion and love for everyone there. The absence of fear was a portal to awakening.

A beneficial side effect was that I dropped nearly 8 kilos/almost a stone by combining Alchemy healing with a simple detox and exercise programme.

Read full story


Illuminate Yourself by Clearing Karma

We have all lived many lifetimes, and in successive lives we have reincarnated as victim, then in the next one perpetrator, cycling endlessly… Many clients this month have been told that they need to balance their karma for misdeeds done in past lives, often centuries ago.

If you haven’t cleared your karmic debts it’s likely that any discomfort and imbalances you are currently facing are because it’s time to repay them. While it may be uncomfortable, even devastating to learn that you perpetrated horrible deed(s) in the past, balancing your karma will illuminate you and expedite your journey to spiritual ascension.

To make amends and reparation: do what you need to in your relationships and in particular your relationship with the (Divine) feminine. If you are a healer, send healing to the souls of the victims. If not, a personally intuited prayer /ritual or specific deed you know is needed is perfect. Praying the Buddhist Metta prayer of Loving Kindness to the victims is another way.

Read the full story


Rejuvenation & Wellbeing Retreat

1 Day x 3 Revitalising Techniques

rejuvenation retreat corfu


I’m delighted to invite you to learn how to grow old gracefully, in good health, shining with youthful vigour on this dynamic day retreat.

Rejuvenate your body and consciousness with alchemy that cleanses the body of the old density, and attachments to ageing, illness, death. Leave inhabiting a body filled with light. Facilitated by therapist and Alchemist Cliona.

Revitalise your body by upgrading your glandular system with the energising Kriyas of Kundalini yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and antioxidant nutrition recommendations from Nadine Deep Prakash, experienced yoga teacher.

Regenerate from the inside out by drinking Kangen water to give you glowing skin and enhance your overall health.

This triple approach promises to catalyse powerful inner and outer results.

Places limited to six participants to create the safety to go deep.

Cost: sliding scale includes free digital video of Crystalline Matrix of Rejuvenation.


Online Rejuvenation & Wellbeing Alchemy Course

The retreat will be followed up by a stand alone online Rejuvenation & Wellbeing alchemy course on Zoom. This can be taken by new comers or by people who attended the day retreat to exponentially amplify their results.

Click here for more details 

Contact me for more: cliona@wilddivinelight.com


Book Extract



Extract from the final draft of my spiritual memoir

(2) Lessons from the Sea: Oneness and Kundalini Awakening

The next day, I arrive late for my swim when the sun was setting blood red into a black inky sea. A million expert reflexologists massage my feet with each step in the balmy sand. The dried blackened seaweed scrunches under fast-stepping feet. There is no time to dally. My clothes fall away into the soft sand and I launch myself into that sensual salty embrace, swimming towards the glowing red disk on the horizon.

This reminds me of a book a friend wrote in which the heroine swims off into the distance, leaving behind her lover and her land and becoming one with the ocean, the way I want to. I want a oneness that’s more intimate than drowning. I want to become one, tantrically whole and complete in the surrendered, swelling waves.

A crisp crescent moon hangs in the sky, and I luxuriate in a sea the texture of warm milk, witnessing the simple perfection of day turning into night.

I ask the oceanic Divine Feminine again to make me one with everything, and she says, ‘You already are. Only your mind separates you. Everything is in you and you are in everything.’

I see it’s true. I am this sun and this sea and these weather-beaten rocks. I pause in awe, hardly breathing, in a spell that I don’t want to break. I’m fully present, feeling the undulating blessing of being one with the sea. The seaside sounds of waves shushing on the shore and gulls screeching in the sky are shushing and screeching inside me as I float on my back rising and falling on the waves. With my eyes closed I feel like I’m spiraling around in a circle like a clock spinning anticlockwise.

When I open my eyes and the spinning stops I’m surprised to see that I haven’t moved at all.

There are no goodbyes at the end of my swim because the sea and the sun and the rocks are all in me and I am in them, inseparable. It has always been like this and always will be. We are inextricably linked players in an endless tapestry of life, unfolding into life, echoing back through time to the beginning, and spiraling out again until the end of time. All time merging into one. The present moment. The only moment that exists.

As I follow the meandering path back from the beach, the wet bikini in my backpack is dripping cool down my back, crickets are whirring into their nightly symphony and the sea sounds are drifting into sleepy murmurings. I walk between wildness of the dunes on one side and the burgeoning gardens on the other, exploding with wild poppies, yellow broom, prickly pear cacti, palms, and nasturtiums that catch the sunset colours in their petals. The echo of the sea is in my body. My kundalini rises in ripples from my root chakra, pulsing up and out through my chakras and out of the top my head like a fountain of golden threads sewing me into the fabric of existence.


© Cliona O’Conaill 5.9.24



I’m getting closer to finishing the editorial corrections. Advance copies on sale now. Advance copies of the e-book now and at the launch will be £8.88. The e-book will cost £9.99 when it is on sale on Amazon. Everyone mentioned in the book receives theirs half price. Advance copies of the paperback cost £10.99+P+P now and at the launch. After that it will cost £15.99+P&P

Email: cliona@wilddivinelight.com




Enter the monthly prize draw to win a free session (online or in person) Email me to enter. The draw happens on the last day of the month.

I’m happy to announce August’s winner is Shanti from England.


Crystalline Matrix (30-minute sessions)

The Crystalline matrix clears low frequency energetics & brings in higher levels of light. It can be programmed for abundance, balance, healing, beauty, teeth healing, rejuvenation, or whatever you want and can be programmed to run as long as needed. (Look out for videos of these on You Tube soon).


Sacred Technology (30-minute sessions)

1. Safety Crystal Cocoon – to heal trauma, repair and balance the nervous system and create a sense of safety.

2. The golden angelic blanket – to calm and sooth.



Low price sessions for subscribers till end of September

Pay from €80/£80 – 144. (The usual price starts at 88). Available online, and in person in Corfu.



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With love,



Divine Light Healer & Alchemist Writer & Mentor

+44 (0)7916167214 /WhatsApp



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