I chose the name Wild Divine Light meaning:
Wild – free, untamed, natural, authentic, being human without conditioning
Divine – the higher self in communion with the sacred mystery
Light – unconditional Divine love illuminates our inner radiance. We are existing in an eternal field of light.
The poet Mary Oliver famously wrote,
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Although I wasn’t thinking of that poem when I intuited the name of this website, it’s apt.
This site was originally called Wild Divine, an invitation and a call to action, to live your free, natural, authentic and courageous life now. Be who you were born to be. Live out your Wildness and your Divinity. Life is too precious to waste a second.
Wild Divine Light takes a spiritual evolutionary step further and takes you on your journey to the light.
I offer a three step ongoing journey that meets you wherever you are on your spiritual journey to awakening.
Soul’s Essential Journey Programme
My own soul’s essential journey began when I left England in 2019. I’ve learned a lot and been through many of the challenges you may face if you choose a similar journey. Yours might be an inner journey, or a journey around the corner, or a journey to prepare for a different life.
The Soul’s Essential Journey programme is specifically for women or men who are at a cross roads, for whose life is stuck in some way. I offer to you the opportunity to reconnect with your intuition and begin your Soul’s Essential Journey to a life of freedom, joy, and awakening.
It helps you intuit where you are, in a place that feels stuck, outgrown or uncomfortable in some way and helps you prepare for your soul’s essential journey and to break free onto a path that takes you to your freedom and joy.
What is the dream journey you want to take?
Read about the programme below:
A programme in two modules. (See the SEJ page). https://wilddivinelight.com/the-souls-essential-journey
My soul’s essential journey was an external pilgrimage across France and Italy and finally into Greece which took me 10 months. At the time I had no maps and didn’t know where I was going but I found a life of freedom, joy, love and awakening.
Read about it in my forthcoming book (see at the bottom of the page). https://wilddivinelight.com/my-book/
The Soul’s Original Blue Print
The next step for me was a journey into a field of light where I was told I am light and have to shine it so radiantly it ignites the light in others. And The Soul’s Original Blue Print programme was born. In this programme you experience yourself as you were before all the conditioning, learned ways of being, negative false beliefs your accepted as truth. As a baby you absorbed everything you could like a sponge to learn how to survive in this strange new world and please your care givers.
This programme takes you to the next step in your spiritual evolution and awakening. Here you are taking full responsibility for your life and co-creating your life with the Divine. The most intuitive souls on this programme will be able to learn to do intentional healing and metaphysical body readings.
Please have a look at the individual pages for more info.
Who this site is for
If you had a blissful birth and a charmed upbringing and are securely attached with no problems and just want help with your ascension process The Soul’s Original Blueprint will be perfect for you.
If you have anxiety, stress or overwhelm and feel like your life isn’t working as it should or that you are missing your destiny, and want guidance onto your soul’s path and onboard with your soul’s mission, then you’ve come to the right place. The Soul’s Essential Journey will be the perfect place to start working with me.
I am in the final stages of completing Ever The Sea Calls Me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening. This is a spiritual memoir of my year long pilgrimage to find home. I’m currently editing the final draft. In the Newsletters and the Writing page you can read samples from my book and I would love your support and sponsorship to help me pay for the editing, typesetting and publishing costs. Please send an email if you would like to order an advance copy or subscribe to the newsletter to find out when the book is available to buy: https://wilddivinelight.com/newsletter/
You will also find samples of writing from my journalistic career in the articles and blog sections under the writing tab.