wild divine light souls journey


Welcome Dear seeker

I’m Cliona, Transformation catalyst, Healer, Mentor & Author and your guide for this journey.


I am passionate about guiding people whose lives feel stuck onto into a life that flows into freedom and joy and awakening.

I call this process the Souls Essential Journey.


Your dilemma

You are stuck in an unfulfilled life, ignoring your intuition, you know you need to make a drastic change but you are unable to move forward into action. It’s too overwhelming and scary to think about, never mind do it, and to do it alone feels impossible.

Is your soul calling out to go on its essential journey to self-discovery and awakening but you are in denial, anxiety and overwhelm and looking for a guide?


The answer

Allow yourself to be guided through the barriers to your success. I am a sacred guide on your Soul’s Essential Journey. I hold a safe space for you to acknowledge your intuition, feel your fears and follow your heart into a journey towards your dream life of freedom, joy and awakening. Metaphorically I walk that journey with you. I hold you in a sacred container so you are not alone.


To decide if you need a Soul’s Essential Journey:

  • Do you have a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach when you wake up?
  • Do you feel like you are not fulfilling your destiny and feel sure there is more to life?
  • Do you need to do something drastic but don’t know what or feel blocked?
  • Do you feel like your intuition is trying to tell you something but you don’t know what?
  • Or are you refusing to listen to your intuition because it feels too scary?
  • Do you feel like Elizabeth Gilbert at the beginning of Eat, Pray, Love?
  • Do you want to live a life intimately connected to your divinity, freedom and joy?
  • Do you want to take your spiritual journey to the next level, seeking awakening or enlightenment?
  • Are you ready to take yourself on your soul’s essential journey to find your new life and awaken to your destiny?
  • Are you looking for a guide or spiritual teacher?

If you answer yes to five or more of these, the Soul’s Essential Journey is the ideal next step for you. Email me to book your free Discovery Session. Cliona@wilddivinelight.com


What is a Soul’s Essential Journey?

This is the transformational journey your soul is yearning to take. Your intuition and guides may have been trying to tell you to do this for a long time. It will allow you to radically change yourself, your situation, and your life trajectory and find freedom and joy and reach the next stage of your spiritual evolution.

It may be a physical journey far from home, or it may be moving around the corner. It could be moving house, jobs, relationships, relocating, starting your life again, or even changing your identity.

It may be an inner (emotional, mental, spiritual) journey without changing location. Or it could be both physical and internal like mine was.


It will transform who you are and bring you the life you’ve dreamt of in synchronistic and unpredictable ways.

I’ve done it, so can you.


Picture this outcome …

Your old life is behind you. You are free and moving fearlessly on your soul’s essential journey, feeling and trusting your intuition, following your heart, feeling joyfully and vitally alive and connected to the divine. You are living the life you dreamt of and happier than you have ever been. You look around you and you can’t quite believe you manifested this. You smile and hug yourself.



My Bio: I am passionate about guiding people who feel stuck and want to flow into a life freedom and joy and awakening, feeling like they found the place they want to live and they are doing what they are truly called to do. I did this and I Iove my new life. I long to share what I learned along the road and help you achieve your dreams too.

Email me to book a free discovery chat: cliona@wilddivinelight.com


Soul’s Essential Journey programme details

On this Transformational Coaching Programme you will:

Gain self-awareness of who you are and the unconscious motivators that drive you.

Heal childhood conditioning & trauma(s)

Learn to feel your feelings, follow your heart, listen to your intuition and trust it.

Learn tools to cope with the unknown and move through fear, anxiety and overwhelm.

Learn to love yourself completely

Gain a deeper direct connection with the Divine

Learn to listen to trust and follow your intuition

Heal limiting beliefs and self-sabotage

Gain the courage to let go.

Receive Divine Light Healing & Alchemy sessions to help you heal trauma, all other blocks and expedite your transformation process and heal anything else needed that we haven’t mentioned.

Resolve specific personal issues/imbalances that have been bothering you.

Dream your new life into being and manifest the future you’ve been dreaming of. (This happens in Module 2).


Module 1: Guidance & support to prepare you to make the journey. 8 weeks

Module 2: Guidance & support for the first 8 weeks of your actual journey. 


It is preferable to do both modules one after the other with a month of integration time in between (discount for booking both stages).

All weekly segments contain guidance, coaching, counselling & Divine light transformational healing.



Module 1 – Preparing you for the journey

Weeks 1 &2: Awareness of your situation, limiting beliefs & accessing intuition in your heart and body.

Week 3:  Education: Movement and dance unlock deeper intuition in the bodies wisdom and I teach you spiritual dowsing.

Week 4:  Education:  Dealing with overwhelm through self love, reparenting and calming techniques.

Week 5: Education: Letting go, Managing fear and anxiety, learning to pray and to hand it over to God, Goddess.

Week 6: Education: Being with the Grief of letting go of the old using emotional release techniques

Week 7: Education: Aligning to the present moment

Week 8Dreaming your new life of freedom and joy

  • Taking notes and journaling and making voice recordings are recommended throughout.




For those who choose to continue, one month integration period is recommended between the 2 modules, for you to practise everything you have learned, integrate, recalibrate and rest before the big departure and decide which sacred objects to bring to create your sacred space while travelling. A discounted rate is offered for people who sign up for both modules.


Module 2 – First 8 weeks of your journey

The structure of Module 2 is more fluid to be able to flow with your changing needs.

This module covers:

Each week

  • Check in. How you are feeling?
  • Now that you have begun your journey and new experiences are happening everyday remember to update your journal.
  • I coach you and help you navigate your next steps and answer your questions.
  • Refresh and practise tools learned.
  • I give you additional tools and support dependent on your specific needs.
  • Deeper layers in your psyche will be coming up for clearing so Divine Light  Healing and Alchemy sessions are important.
  • These sessions are also deepening your connection with the Divine who you are co-creating your future with. Spend time in sacred space and prayer daily with the Divine Feminine and you other personal spirit team.


Week 1: You followed your intuition and cleared the Threshold Demons that were stopping you moving forward. And you have made the choice to take responsibility for your life. Now you are building the connection with the Divine getting ready to co-creating your life with the Divine and trust in yourself.

You are ready to embark on your souls essential journey. May be, you are already experiencing freedom and excitement and joy from the letting go processes in M1, although your dream destination has not been reached yet. You have brought sacred objects to create sacred space while travelling.

  • Meditation on how you are feeling. Breath, feel, release. What emotions are you feeling and what tools are you using to deal with them.
  • Getting acquainted with your personal spirit team – ancestors, angels, spirit animal, teachers.
  • We check if your dream destination is the same now as it was at the end of Module 1.
  • I guide you into a meditative state and you vision what your dream is.

After dreaming

  • A spiritual journey often requires a period of solitude while you become the new you and are not influenced by how the people you know expect you to be. The new you may need to let go of people who do not fit into your new life. Their old views can hold you back as they try to slot you into the same role you had in their lives before, thereby disempowering you. I support you through your doubts.
  • Every day is a new moment. It’s important to have a morning routine and ritual with mantras to affirm who you are in your new reality. I coach you how to create this.
  • If the destination is the same we look at your journey plan together.


Week 2:

Deeper trust issues, Creating a deeper connection with the Divine is crucial if She is to be your guide, or do you have other more sacred guides? Daily meditation and channelling on your vision, Practising your Morning routine. What does it really mean to be co-creating your future with the Divine. Coaching you to spend time in sacred space and daily prayers/ channelling/ communing with the Divine. Deeper layers of Letting go: letting go of old habits, old ways of thinking, old views of yourself, old identities.


Week 3:

The art of Intentional Manifestation using creative alchemy, vision boards, channelling and really listening to the soul and your Divine guidance.

Practises to deal with overwhelm and resistance, solitude and cutting more ties to the past that keep drawing you back. Deeper layers of feeling fear of the unknown. Dealing with the discomfort of seeming to straddle two worlds at once the old not fully in the distance, the new not fully embodied yet.


Week 4:

Travelling by Trust takes a lot of getting used to. I answer your questions and give you prayers I used.

Going with Divine flow – what does it mean and how to do it.


Week 5:

I helping you navigate your Awakening process and Ascension journey.


Week 6:

Now that you have taken responsibility for your life and are co-creating your life with the Divine, I help you navigate any higher roadblocks any thing that hasn’t been resolved yet.


Week 7:

Review how this Module has been. Highs and lows. What’s been achieved? What is yet to achieve? Improvements and celebration.

You can receive or learn to give Metaphysical body readings.


Week 8:

You will be living the life you dreamt of experiencing a whole new world you never thought was possible. Or if the travelling takes longer than 8 weeks, you will be on your way.

Celebrating the end of your Souls Essential Journey Programme although your Souls Essential Journey may be far from over. What additional support you might need from me as you forge your own way and what next steps you can take on your own.


Additional support

  • Module 3: The Souls Original Blueprint Programme. You are an infinite being with infinite potential. You can co-create the life you want with the Divine. Experience yourself as radiant light in your true and natural state. 8 weeks.
  • Additional coaching, mentoring and/or Divine Light Transformational Healing sessions as needed.
  • Email/phone support in monthly programmes.



Spiritual healing and transformation happens in layers. Only one layer is visible to be transformed at a time. Deeper layers are revealed over time. We can only move at the pace your soul is ready to move at, any faster pace will not be integrated.


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