When a lot of dark energies need cleansing and a simple cleansing isn’t enough try these techniques:



Sieve Cleansing Ritual

Photo credit etsy.com


Visualise a giant sieve above your crown chakra extending as wide as your 2 outstretched arms.

Now visualise the sieve moving down and through your body and all your energy fields. Feeling it removing all low frequency, shadow energies from your fields.

Bring it down to 3 feet beneath your feet.

Then lift it into a divine waterfall cleansing and purifying the sieve transmuting shadow into love and light.

Do this process 3 times. Or as often as needed.


Photo credit: Johannes Hulsch @ Guyana rainforest



Psychic/ Energetic vomiting

Take a space out in nature or over your toilet if it’s not possible to get outside.

Before you start say a short prayer to Mother Earth. “Thank you for supporting me. Please absorb and transmute the negative energy I’m releasing into love”.

Then open your mouth and stick your tongue out, bend over and retch as though you were physically vomiting. Making sounds will move the negative energy out more easily.  Try not to constrict the flow of energy in your torso by bending too much, let the negative energy flow out of your mouth into the ground until you feel you’ve released it all.


(If indoors close the toilet lid and flush).



For Releasing Anger

Make some noise as you:


Beat some pillows.

Stomp on the ground.

Have a full on tantrum lying on the ground

Have a wild cathartic dance

Do kick boxing or other energetic exercise.


Photo credit: Jennifer Herbig, Instagram





If none of these techniques work book a clearing Alchemy session with me: cliona@wilddivinelight.com.

With gratitude and thanks to ISTA Faculty staff,  Igor Ezendam⁩, Singer, teacher and performer Arillas, Sarita and Geho Tantra teachers.