Dear friend
Thank you for your support and your interest. I’m delighted to welcome you to this long-awaited newsletter.
It’s festival season in Corfu and I was delighted to participate in the heart opening Agape Zoe in early July where I made new friends, deepened existing friendships and shared the benefits of alchemy further afield.
Used to enjoying a lot of quiet time in my home in the countryside, being surrounded by many people for a week could have been outside my comfort zone. Instead, it was a very enriching and fun experience I enjoyed immensely, especially being part of the healing team, despite the 30+ degree heat.
Autumn Rejuvenation Retreat
Three powerful rejuvenation techniques combine to bring you a day-long rejuvenation (re) treat in early October. Receive and embody advanced alchemy rejuvenation techniques taught by me; Energise your system with the rejuvenating Krias of Kundalini yoga with Nadine Deep Prakash, experienced yoga teacher and rejuvenation specialist.
And enjoy the benefits of drinking Kangen water – the only medically certified filtered water on the planet for rejuvenation and detoxification. This triple approach promises to catalyse powerful inner results. Places are limited to create a cosy intimate experience. Contact me for further details.
Become a Master Manifestor
We have just moved through the portal of July’s full moon a time of letting go of what no longer serves and reaffirming your desires in life. The mind is incredibly powerful and everyone is a potent manifestor whether they realise or not. To become a masterful manifestor, Regan Hillyer says to focus 80% on your mindset and 20% on your actions.
If you take ownership of the life you have created so far, you can now focus on manifesting what you desire. To do this it’s essential to:
- Embody the frequency of what you wish to manifest. How?
- Feel grateful and celebrate that your manifestation is already here.
- To amp this up, set your alarm to go off and recreate this feeling for 2 minutes every hour.
- Know that it will happen as clearly as you know the sun will rise tomorrow morning.
As our planet embodies more of the qualities of the New Earth more people are taking the reins of conscious creation. I’m grateful for my teachers: Dominique Mali of the New Earth Alchemy Academy, and Regan Hillyer who teaches the Art of Manifesting on Mind Valley and to the gods and goddess of Greece and Corfu for welcoming me here.
Now I’m celebrating that I love my life and my work and so can you, if you don’t already. Register your interest for my Alchemy for Manifestation programme in the autumn.
Explorations in Alchemy
I love this voyage of discovery into consciousness and I’m so grateful for the all the feedback I’ve received. Here are some discoveries.
- Thunderstorms can clear interference.
- The ley-lines of Corfu enhance the effects of the alchemy sessions I give from a field of magic and miracles.
- A session can reveal interference and deeper layers of your consciousness that need to be healed for the full resolution of your concern.
- If your home location does not support your high frequency state, results can dissipate.
- As we human beings progress on our ascension journey, alien interference has become more prevalent. 95% of the population experience interference from Anunnaki aliens who reverse the flow of life-force-energy. And Arcons have implanted veils of limitation in all human beings that manifest as doubt, self-sabotage, negative habits, and comfort zones.
- A second session is highly recommended to anchor in your good results.
Book Extract and News
Extract from final draft of my spiritual memoir – Ever The Sea Calls Me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening.
First Lesson from the Sea: Being one with everything
If you sit and watch the sea for long enough, eventually all the secrets of the universe will be revealed to you.
At 8 p.m. the beach is empty and the burnt orange sun hovers over the edge of the sea teasing me. Giddy like a mischievous child, I abandon my bikini in a wet tangle of sandy threads. It feels so luxurious to swim without clothes. The caress of the water on my naked skin is as sensual as swimming through melted chocolate.
It’s soporific floating in the sea, rising and falling on the gentle waves, drifting I know not where, surrendering the weight of my body to the water.
I chuckle as the waves lap around my bare arms and my head. Sliding into swimming, I glide along the ribbon of light painted over the water on the calm undulating sea, tasting salt in my mouth, my arms traced golden by the sinking sun.
I pray to the Divine Feminine: Make me one with the sea and everything. Suddenly, as though someone has turned off the volume, all goes quiet in my head. There is only the lapping of the sea on floating limbs, the shushing of waves breaking on the shore and the seagulls calling plaintively to each other. I turn to float on my back. Small white clouds scud across a lapis lazuli sky smeared with peaches close to the horizon. When my ears sink underwater, faint gurgles echo from my swirling hands. And I am one with all of this.
Life is breathing out through me, expanding and spilling my awareness across the surface of the sea. When I breathe in, the vastness of the sea pours inside me, roaring like Niagara Falls. When I breathe out, stillness is happening.
I continue this salty meditation. In … and out …
Until an errant wave washes over my left eye and I rouse myself and languidly swim to shore. As I wade out the last few steps I turn to say goodnight to the sea and see that she is quite unsentimental. She just is, basking in the setting sun, reflecting the light, surrendered, endless and eternally waving at us, but not caught in the overblown emotion of a romantic myth of the last goodbye.
© Cliona O’Conaill 22.7.24
Book News
The editorial corrections are nearing completion.
You can buy an advance copy now by emailing
The e-book will cost £9.99 when it is on sale on Amazon.
Advance copies of the e-book before and at the time of the launch will be £8.88.
The print version will cost £15.99+P&P
Advance copies will be charged at £10.99+P+P
Everyone mentioned in the book can order one for half price.
Enter the monthly prize draw to win a free session (online or in person)
Let me know if you would like to be entered, I will do the draw on the last day of August and email you if you won.
Body Readings
A 20-minute session – for people who want to learn the reason behind their imbalance. (This is an energetic diagnosis, not a healing).
Crystalline Matrix (30-minute sessions)
The Crystalline matrix clears low frequency consciousness & brings in higher levels of light. It can be programmed for abundance, balance, healing, beauty, teeth healing, rejuvenation, or whatever you want and can be programmed to run as long as needed.
Sacred Technology (30-minute sessions)
1. Safety Crystal Cocoon – to heal trauma, repair and balance the nervous system and create a sense of safety.
2. The golden angelic blanket – to calm and sooth.
Lower price sessions for subscribers till end of August
Pay from €80/£80 – 144. (Usual price starts at 88).
Sessions available online and in person in Corfu.
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With love,
Divine Light Healer & Alchemist Writer & Guide
+44 (0)7916167214 /WhatsApp