For Self

Get in the sea or a lake

If that’s not possible or practical have a shower preferably with a salt scrub or rinse with salt water. (I recommended this straight after a clearing session).

Smudge yourself or room with White sage, palo santo, frankincense resin (on charcoal)

Take a salt bath – pink Himalayan or magnesium, sea salt (or dead sea salts).

Lie or stand on the grass and/ or walk in nature

Use the Sieve Cleansing Ritual – visualise a giant sieve your crown chakra extending as wide as your 2 outstretched arms. Now visualise the sieve moving down and through your body and all your energy fields. Bring it down to 3 feet beneath your feet. Feeling it removing all low frequency, shadow energies from your fields. Then lift it into a divine waterfall cleansing and purifying the sieve transmuting shadow into love and light. Do this process 3 times. Or as often as needed.

Psychic/Energetic vomiting out in nature

Chant/sing: Aum


Get out in the sunshine


For space clearing


Open all doors and windows

Wash clothes and hang outside (in sun preferably).

Smudge with sage and palo santo and/or other Native American Indian sacred plants.

Use incense sticks – e.g. palo santo, copal, sandalwood, pine

Vacuum everything (including bed, sofa curtains etc)

Play singing bowl/chimes/gong.

Chant/sing: Aum

Play Clearing Music until the energy lifts:

  • Light Language Attunements by Craig Pruess & Carmen Belle White.
  • Other Craig Pruess sacred music. (Available on Itunes).
  • Mountain Gate, by Remote viewing, album Farsight voyager Lesson 2.

For clearing crystals

Crystals are from the earth and gain vitality when they are reconnected to it.

Put out in the sunshine or moonlight

Smudge with incense or resin

Put ones that will not rust in a bowl of salt water out overnight (especially potent at full moon).

Put ones that will rust outside in the grass or on the earth

Pray over your crystals


* Photo by Crystal Digest

For a deep clearing of yourself and your space, from low frequency energies book a session with me: