There are two alternative timelines competing – “The Armageddon timeline” and the “Ascension timeline”.
On the “Ascension timeline” the human race will ascend, move into a higher vibration and there will be a positive outcome called The Golden Age by some. I truly totally and honestly believe that this was where we are headed and I align myself to this truth and I trust in the Divine plan, in love and the basic goodness of human beings, especially when things look like we are on a slippery slope onto the scary and challenging “Armageddon timeline”.
It’s is important not to polarise into ‘us’ and ‘them’, because we are all one. We are all reflections or mirrors of each other. Although it’s hard to take on board that we were also the perpetrators of misdeeds. I have an experiential knowing that this is true. Acceptance and compassion for yourself and others is required if we are to go beyond duality.
To bring this Ascension line into being we have to do the work, feel our feelings – weep, beat pillows, dance and scream as necessary, then find a way to come back to peace, love, compassion, community and care including self care and self soothing.
We need to visualise positive outcomes. The way may be dark for a while. Literally there may be internet, power and phone outages, but that is a cue to go outside and meet your neighbours. I believe 100 per cent that we will come through this pandemic into a better and more beautiful world eventually.
I pray this message gives you faith and trust and courage if you need it. Let’s keep loving and trusting and doing what’s necessary for each one of us to stay in a loving positive high vibrational reality. This is not achieved by positive thinking but by embracing all our feelings, going through them and coming out the other side. Sending peace, love and courage to you all.”