I feel so blessed to be able to assist not only people but also help their furry soulmate companions to feel better.
Benji the young white cuddly dog was suffering from epilepsy when he first came to see me. He had 3 sessions last year to heal trauma, calm his nervous system and balance his blood sugar. He hasn’t had epilepsy since. Recently he came to help resolve issues of nervousness, clinginess and insecurity. So he was healed of deeper layers of trauma and received codes of safety, and enhanced self esteem, self love and self worth. Benji was so much more present and soulful, no longer manic at the end of his session when he came up to me to say thank you. His owner Vimal Ambar said Benji is more connected to himself and less anxious now.



Nala is an older female jack Russel who has had nervous problems for some years due to many changes in her home environment and international travel. Her trauma and insecurity manifested in nervous behaviour that got so severe she damaged one eye. After her healing Nala showered me with unconditional love that seemed to be radiating out of her tiny body when she thanked me. So moving… Scott Emmons, her owner said that after her last session there was significant change in her nervous behaviour that eased completely and her eyes that were cloudy healed completely within 3 days. I was so pleased to see Nala a fortnight later full of life and vitality, playing with her toys with almost none of the nervous behaviour she’d had. I was told she hadn’t been so lively since she was a puppy.




Sally the Temple Cat had kidney problems. Bio resonance tests flagged up that she also needed help with her immune and digestive systems, hormones, lungs and psyche. So I was able to measure the extent of the imbalances and clear them by the end of the session. I enjoyed working with new Alchemy cat Teams of Egyptian Goddesses Bastet and Sekmet. At the end of the session Sally was lying in the sun and Sally’s owner, Ava said Sally was very relaxed and in a good mood. A few days later she said, “Sally is quite well. she’s moving much faster now and seems to be quite balanced”.


Thanks to Dominique Mali for her alchemy training with its far reaching effects.
Love to all our adorable furry family members and thanks to their owners for their trust.