Wild Divine Light

Soul Journeys to Transformation and Awakening

Newsletter – January 2025

Cliff top Portrait discreet WhiteHappy New Year and welcome to the first edition of Wild Divine Light’s Newsletter in 2025.







  • A Different World
  • 2025 Overview
  • Alchemy Animal Healing
  • Overtone Singing
  • Book News
  • Offers including Session with Master Alchemist


A Different World

The world is vastly different to how it was this time last year. Everything is speeding up, the technology, banking, the way we communicate with each other: most people in my life favour short messages in social media and I receive far fewer emails, normal phone calls are becoming less frequent, now friends and family use Zoom, and it’s been well over a year since I received a personal handwritten letter. This speeding up is also happening inside our bodies and psyches as we move towards awakening and this is creating more turbulence and unsettling as more of our shadow sides and the things we haven’t looked at before are coming up for clearing and healing.

I recommend:

1. Silent meditation, conscious dance, grounding meditations, walking in nature, detox, massage, yoga or other slow exercise to calm your breathing and bring you into your body.

2. You do whatever you can to access the wisdom of your body. The body is a gateway into intuition (e.g. gut instinct) so you can sense what’s right for you in any given moment. Insight and guidance can come through meditation, silent communion and prayer. It’s important to be your own authority and don’t look outside yourself for a leader.

Watch out for Centering and Grounding Meditations in the Wild Divine Light YouTube Videos by early February.


2025 Overview

Planetary Alignment offers a Huge Opportunity for Mass Awakening
A planetary alignment began on 25 January. Kerry K, explains that the sun is activating all the planets which are now in alignment and their purification from the sun is dissolving what she calls “The False Matrix”. Perhaps this is the reason my body went into a spontaneous detox this weekend:



2025 Time stamped World Predictions From Channel Amanda Ellis
In her video Amanda discusses many themes for 2025 including its Numerology, Chinese astrology, AI, the fall of celebrity, declining birth rates, UFOs, changes on the high street, weather, Mother earth and Donald Trump. 2025 has the numerology of 9 which is associated with the planet Mars and the colour Red.



Overview from The Astrology Pattern App
2025 is marking one of the most significant astrological periods in modern history. Within an eight-month time period, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter change signs. As well, the lunar nodes shift into Pisces/Virgo. So 2025 is not looking like a passive, simple year, it’s looking complex. Everything is speeding up. The way you think, the way you communicate, and the personal implications of 2025 are extremely powerful. We’re at a pivotal moment in humanity, and this moment together suggests a fundamental shift in how we understand reality itself. But the shadow of this combination requires careful consideration, because the speed and intensity of change could create anxiety and resistance.


And that’s where we need to be reminded that amid this technological revolution, we can’t lose touch with our intuition and heart. The deeper your connection to your truth is, the easier it will be to navigate these times, where fear is being pushed on us so intensely. Being able to connect to your authenticity will allow you to hear the truth amid the chaos, so you’re not overwhelmed. It’s your connection to spirit that’s going to be able to guide you through this year”.
The Pattern, personalised astrology website:



Alchemy Healing For Furry Soulmates

I feel so blessed to be able to assist not only people but also help their furry soulmate companions to feel better. Here is an a sweet article I published on my website and Facebook a few days ago.


Benji the young white cuddly dog was suffering from epilepsy when he first came to see me. He had 3 sessions last year to heal trauma, calm his nervous system and balance his blood sugar. He hasn’t had epilepsy since. Recently he came to help resolve issues of nervousness, clinginess and insecurity. So he was healed of deeper layers of trauma and received codes of safety, and enhanced self esteem, self love and self worth. Benji was so much more present and soulful, no longer manic at the end of his session when he came up to me to say thank you. His owner Vimal Ambar said Benji is more connected to himself and less anxious now.



Nala is an older female jack Russel who has had nervous problems for some years due to many changes in her home environment and international travel. Her trauma and insecurity manifested in nervous behaviour that got so severe she damaged one eye. After her healing Nala showered me with unconditional love that seemed to be radiating out of her tiny body when she thanked me. So moving… Scott Emmons, her owner said that after her last session there was significant change in her nervous behaviour that eased completely and her eyes that were cloudy healed completely within 3 days. I was so pleased to see Nala a fortnight later full of life and vitality, playing with her toys with almost none of the nervous behaviour she’d had. I was told she hadn’t been so lively since she was a puppy.



Sally the Temple Cat had kidney problems. Bio resonance tests flagged up that she also needed help with her immune and digestive systems, hormones, lungs and psyche. So I was able to measure the extent of the imbalances and clear them by the end of the session. I enjoyed working with new Alchemy cat Teams of Egyptian Goddesses Bastet and Sekmet. At the end of the session Sally was lying in the sun and Sally’s owner, Ava said Sally was very relaxed and in a good mood. A few days later she said, “Sally is quite well. she’s moving much faster now and seems to be quite balanced”.

Thanks to Dominique Mali, Master Alchemist for her alchemy training with its far-reaching effects. Love to all our adorable furry family members and thanks to their owners for their trust.





I have had many sessions with Cliona, and I can highly recommend her to you all 😇👏🏼🙌🏼   ….  I felt safely held for the 2-hour session and was able to allow myself to let go and completely trust my process.  I had several breakthroughs and was very impressed with the amount of sensitivity and awareness in which she held the space, because some strong karmic patterns arose from past lives … in order to be healed. So, I certainly wouldn’t hesitate for you to take advantage of this offer, and transform your life! 
She also healed my doggie 🦮🐾☘️.  Much gratitude to you dear Cliona! 🙏🫠💟


Ambar, Tarot Card Reader, Arillas 8.1.25.


Relaxing Overtone Singing 

Waves overtone meditations part one, from Igor Olivier Ezendam, my singing teacher in Corfu.





Book News

I have begun editing the last chapter of my book. Even when the book is edited I still need to work out how to make an e-book and then a printed book so it’s still too early to give an ETA but it will be approximately in Spring 2025.




Extract from the final draft of Ever The Sea Calls Me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening:

Sixth Lesson from the Sea: Being

‘Merge. Be at one. You are ready,’ the Divine Feminine says.

The only sound is the lapping of the sea around my body and the waves shushing on the shore. My body edges soften and I dissolve into oneness with the sea. Such peacefulness and stillness without thought. Swimming is happening … breathing is happening … cold is happening with patches of warmth. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to be.

There are no questions, no judgements, no labels.

Past, present and future merge into one spacious, continuous expanse.

I watch thoughts pass across a still mind. The continuous changing of form, light becoming dark, becoming light again, is form flowing into another form. We name it day and night. We label it Monday, Tuesday, but Tuesday is already here and happening right now, just out of sight. In truth there is no time. Sun sinks in the sky, temperature cools, the beach empties. Only form changes.

Thought – and then the mind is still again. Being watches thinking happening.

We are all constantly becoming that which we need to be in each moment. Any striving to be otherwise misses the point. This holiday from thought is a real holiday free from mind chatter. The inner witness is watching the unravelling of life, and seeing the reality behind the illusion, in a detached empty way.


Offers including Session with Master Alchemist




Upgrade Your Inner Aspects: Sunday February 16th 6pm-8pm UK Time
Dominique Mali is my alchemy teacher and this is an shortened version of her offer: For anyone who is curious about the New Earth Alchemy Training, or interested in finding out what goes on in an Alchemy Session. We will calibrate the integration levels of your inner aspects, your identity, your ego, your inner child, your inner masculine and feminine, and more. We’ll also test to see what outdated inner archetypes you still carry, and release those that don’t support you (like the victim, the single person, the poor person, the abused, the wounded child etc…). Then we will activate new archetypes that support you. When our inner aspects are not fully integrated, we may get stuck in the wounded child, not take good care of ourselves, have an unsupportive inner dialogue, or not hold the frequency of the masculine or feminine, which may translate in an absence of men or women in your life….and much more. This is a powerful upgrade which will enable your being to be more whole and integrated, and to access all the power of your inner aspects. Places are limited.

Book Your Place: email DominiqueMali1111@gmail.com.



February Freebie 
One lucky person wins a free session. Send your name and email to be entered into the prize draw and I will announce the winner in the next newsletter.


Crystalline Matrix (20-minute sessions)
The Crystalline matrix clears low frequency energetics & brings in higher levels of light. It can be programmed for abundance, balance, healing, beauty, teeth healing, rejuvenation, or whatever you want.

Some Crystalline Matrix videos are now available on You Tube.


Sacred Technology (20-30-minute sessions)
1. Safety Crystal Cocoon – to heal trauma, repair and balance the nervous system and create a sense of safety.

2. Earth Crystalline Template – to ground and anchor you into the New Earth.


Low price sessions for subscribers till end of February 2025. You pay from €/£88 – 144. (The usual price is €/£100 to 188).

Available online anywhere in the world, and in person in Corfu.


Wishing you peaceful and blessed Winter. Enjoy getting ready to begin unfurling from your hibernation as Imbolc the first cross quarter festival (half way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox) is celebrated in the Celtic calendar is on the 1st February – and is the herald to spring.


With love,
