Wild Divine Light

Soul Journeys to Transformation and Awakening

Illuminate Yourself by Clearing Karma

Photo credit: MELCHIZEDEK HALLELUYAH – mayapop8 on Pin Interest


We have all lived many lifetimes, and in successive lives we have reincarnated as victim, then in the next one perpetrator, cycling endlessly… Many clients this month have been told that they need to balance their karma for misdeeds done in past lives, often centuries ago.


If you haven’t cleared your karmic debts it’s likely that any discomfort and imbalances you are currently facing are because it’s time to repay them. While it may be uncomfortable, even devastating to learn that you perpetrated horrible deed(s) in the past, balancing your karma will illuminate you and expedite your journey to spiritual ascension.


Photo credit: Water the Source of Life by Sanja on Pin Interest


To make amends and reparation: do what you need to in your relationships and in particular your relationship with the (Divine) feminine.

 If you are a healer, I recommend sending healing to the souls of the victims.

If not, a personally intuited prayer /ritual or specific deed you know is needed is perfect.

Praying the Buddhist Metta prayer of Loving Kindness to the victims is another way. (Which is also a great way to practise self-love).

Tune in to the victims and repeat your ritual every day  until you feel a shift or are told it’s complete.


If you cannot make amends or reparation some karma may need to be lived out.

Some karma can be cleared energetically with alchemy but if you have to make amends alchemy cannot clear that for you.


The first time I had to clear my karma it took two gruelling months of sending healing, prayers and mediations every day. I had an ear infection and felt anguished emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically feeling the pain that they had endured.


The second time I didn’t know I had accrued negative karma and lived it out by suffering: getting spiked by a sea urchin, swam through a stinging sea of jellyfish, suffered the paralysing pain of a Portuguese Man of War, my relationship disintegrated and a myriad of other discomforts.


Karmic lessons need to be learned but resolving karma can lead to humility, compassion and empathy with others.


I’m so grateful for Dr Swan Montague my spiritual teacher back then who told me what I needed to do to bring back balance.


These episodes are detailed in my forthcoming book, Ever The Sea Calls me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening. Click here for details: https://wilddivinelight.com/my-book/


Dr Swan shares the 17 New Laws of Karma: https://www.sacredsovereignty.life/karma