“What you did for my husband changed our relationship. It changed our love life and got me out of a whole long depression. It changed our lives. Thank you so much. That got us into tantra and the lovemaking is so healing,” said K, wife of a tantra client.
Tantra is often misunderstood. It’s not about having better erections, longer orgasms or better sex. It is the meeting of sexuality and spirituality with love and presence. It uses sexual life force energy as rocket fuel for spiritual awakening. However, Tantra is not all about sex, nor it it sensational or hedonistic. It is a place to experience pure presence without the chatter of the mind, sensuality which can be incredibly healing especially if touch is missing in your life. Tantra can open a doorway to your divinity as you feel unconditional love in a space of acceptance without judgement. You can touch on the great mystery of the Divine.
Wild Divine is a place to come to explore: sexual enquiry, relationship issues, sexual dysfunction, sensual awakening, a personal spiritual journey into your inner world, to hear your concerns ,and heal blocks on your spiritual evolution and awakening.
Sessions can include mindfulness meditation, talking therapies, emotional release, dance, tantric and chakra massage, spiritual healing and with an emphasis on awakening and healing on your spiritual journey.
For more information see the What is Tantra page in the Resources section.