Tuning in to your inner compass and intuition can give you clarity on life’s decisions. Before asking a question/ or receiving guidance on an issue it’s vital to be grounded, centered and calm. You will not get a clear response if you are emotionally invested in the answer.
One way to calm yourself is to do a grounding meditation (visualising your feet sending roots to the center of the earth and anchoring there). Then come present in your body using the five senses: e.g. what can you hear? taste, touch, smell, see (with a soft gaze) noticing what you can see behind you (Turning to look behind you stops the potential of freezing).
8 Ways to Tune into Your Intuition
1. With a question or issue in mind, take time to tune into your gut instinct in your belly, then your heart wisdom and press on your brown center to connect to the 6th sense in your third eye.
2. Connect to your spirit guides and ask for guidance. (Divine Light Healing connects people to the Divine light).
3. Use a pendulum get answers to yes/no questions. Before beginning ask your pendulum it if it is clear enough to work with. If not cleanse it. (Click here for cleansing techniques). For more advanced pendulum users, mark out a grid on a piece of paper with the options written across the top and important criteria down the left side. Then use your pendulum to calibrate percentages for each different option and when you have finished, add up the numbers in the grid to discover the highest scoring option. (Book a private session for individual instruction).
4. Write down all the possible options onto pieces of paper including one wild card saying “something I haven’t considered”, and put them into a hat, shake them, then intuitively/ with closed eyes choose one.
5. Write the question/ issue on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. Ask for a dream. Then see how you feel in morning.
6. Do the guided Crossroads Meditation to feel into each option (Email me if you want this).
7. If your concern has several possible answers, go outside preferably to a beach, draw a square, or imagine invisible lines drawing quadrants big enough to stand in, as many quadrants as you have options. Take time to stand inside each one, breathe and notice what you feel. Trust that.
8. Write down the questions/ concerns in your journal then put it aside and go for a dynamic mindful walk/ run/ dance for at least 20 minutes preferably 30 minutes -1 hour. Trust the wisdom of your body to unwind your body, soul and mind. Afterwards sit quietly and watch what arises.
Please note if you are struggling with unresolved trauma or PTSD, it can be difficult to get clarity. Book in with a professional for trauma healing and resolution.
Helping mid-life seekers move from a life that is stuck, into a life that flows freely and into Ascension.
For related videos see:
Wild Divine Light on You Tube