This month has been action packed!

Cliff top Portrait discreet White







  • Eclipse season
  • Rejuvenation Codes
  • Advanced Alchemy
  • Free Online Summit
  • New You Tube Channel
  • Book Extract
  • Offers



Eclipse Season

Hot on the heels of the Autumn Equinox on 22 September, October kicked off with a solar eclipse on 2nd. As the second of the pair, it closed that powerful eclipse season (the lunar one was on 17th September).

Although they may be spectacular to see, the real impact is in what we feel. Specific themes in our bodies and consciousness are upgraded by eclipses the reprogramming may be turbulent and emotionally, mentally or physically unsettling. The combination of these astrological events meant I had to rest more than usual before our retreat. How was it for you?


Rejuvenation Codes

In September I learned 60 new Body Alchemy processes that improved my physical and emotional health, enhanced rejuvenation, vitality, and activated my Light Body. The Light Body is an energetic version of our physical one, that radiates light, has an elevated level of consciousness, and is a step closer to enlightenment.

On 5th, I was delighted to share some codes with participants on our Rejuvenation & Wellbeing Retreat that unplugged us from unhelpful control grids (collective thought fields) around aging and dying, removed armouring keeping us shut off from life and enhanced heart health. They also uplifted us into more joy, recoded us with divine levels of health and much more. Some participants received invaluable insights about life long challenges and afterwards everyone looked like they had had a face-lift. They felt grateful, gifted and some even felt blissed out. Due to their glowing feedback and encouragement, we will definitely be doing it again.




Advanced Alchemy

On the 7th my training in Advanced Alchemy began. So far I’ve learned how to use some very big spiritual technology called Earth grids and Star grids to effect global and personal change. For example, healing energetic global homelessness helped me find my new home. And for the first time all the ten members of the alchemy group I’m a part of, combined forces to heal the energetic crystals under earth power points. At Uluru we healed damage done to the aboriginal culture. I knew the healing was complete when I saw these tribal people celebrating in song and dance.


snake mosaic


This month I did a second healing on an epileptic dog and removed armouring that was making it difficult for him to lose weight. His dissociated and panicked owner felt grounded and embodied afterwards and said the work was a life saver.


Free Online Event:

Next Steps Summit – October 26-27, 2024



Journey to freedom by overcoming burnout & building sustainable success is the creation of Alistair Hawkes an expert in burnout. I am one of the panelists in this virtual event for entrepreneurs, business owners, and practitioners to “revitalise your business, reignite your passion, and reclaim your balance”, featuring celebrated healers and teachers including Dominique Mali my alchemy teacher. I feel very honoured to be included. Click here to sign up:


New YouTube Channel

I’m delighted to say that I finally started my You Tube Channel. You can now receive the 8-minute Crystalline Matrix of Rejuvenation transmission. All Crystalline matrices clear low frequency consciousness & bring in higher levels of light. They can also be programmed for financial abundance, teeth healing, peacefulness, energy or whatever you want. This first one is programmed for rejuvenation.


Book News

I’m glad to say I found a new home to move to at the end of a secret pathway into a green oasis. However, that house hunting took priority over finishing my book. I look forward to getting back to it when I land again. It’s still too early to give the publication date but I sincerely hope the e-book will be published before the end of 2024.



Extract from the final draft of Ever The Sea Calls Me Home – a pilgrimage of awakening

The 3rd Lesson from the Sea: Trust

I was no novice to living by Trust, but I never found it easy. “Teach me to trust,” I beseeched on leaving my cottage in England five months earlier: letting go of everything that made it home for me. That was one of the hardest lessons in trust ever. Trusting that it was right to leave England transplanted me from a dark wet winter to an island paradise. So far, so good.

Yet today I am in internal turmoil in the deep blue waves. Floating in the sea I ask the Divine Feminine, “How do I trust that these waves will not drown me?”
“You are beloved, you have a mission, your path is not to drown today. Do you not trust that I have a plan for you? Can you not surrender your ego to me, do my will, not thine?” She asks.

“Yes, yes, I can, I do. Please tell me how to be in service” I say hurriedly ashamed for doubting.

“Write these words. Tell them. Trust in the Divine plan,” She says.
“How?” I ask.

“By remembering your divinity, knowing the truth of who you are, that you are Divine light, that you and others each have your own life mission and sacred purpose that only you can live. That you are needed, unique and irreplaceable. Each person weaves one thread in the tapestry of life”.

Floating on my back we commune telepathically, “How do I tell others to how to trust when I don’t know how to do it myself?

“Teach them to trust in themselves, by feeling their deepest desires, their longings, the stirrings of their soul, the sensations in their bodies. Tell them that trust would awaken them and lift them up golden, gods and goddesses, igniting the Divine Feminine and Divine masculine within them. They doubt that they can be so magnificent, and that the cocreation of the life they want is their birth right.

Do you want to live a real and true, authentic and unparalleled life? Can you bear to walk on the edge and show the world who you really are. Pure and unapologetic?”.

“Yes. And are we to trust in a plan?”  I ask.

“Yes. It is not written like words on a page or in stone like the ten commandments. It is written in each wave in the ocean. Do you think each wave decides that it is going to crest and fall in a particular way and land on a particular piece of beach?” She asks.

“What kind of plan is that? I say, treading water, confused.

“It’s a divine plan, an ever evolving and unfolding, unfinished symphony because there are choices and free will. It is not as your mind would have it, neatly tied up, signed and sealed. Life doesn’t work that way. Real life is not the straight-jacketed conventional struggle you call life, that is but a mere shadow of what is possible.

First you have to trust that you are a divine being of light, that you are precious and that you are being looked after and guided every moment. Most people are blind to their guidance because they take the drugs of smart phones, TV and mind manipulation, too much food, too much sugar and have too many negative fearful thoughts. They doubt their own judgement, doubt that they are good enough, clever enough, or pretty enough and busy themselves with inconsequential concerns.

Hear my words well. I’ve had enough of your excuses and your victimhood. Don’t you realise there is no time left? Step into your sovereignty. Trust that you have come from light, that you are divine and you are one with all that is. When you trust and flow with the currents of existence, life flows though you as it is meant to. You have had the lessons you needed to learn; you are in the right place at the right time, follow the flow of synchronicities, follow what you know in your heart to be true, not what your mind second guesses”.

Today she is challenging and fierce and white-water froths around me. But I don’t feel diminished or scared I feel lifted up. I can rise to this challenge, trust and take charge of co-creating my future with the divine.

Floating on the sea, in the currents of life, I trust that I am safe, that the waves will not break over my head, and I won’t be washed further and further out to sea. I trust that I am supported here and now by the buoyancy of the water, the sunshine on my face, and the guidance I have received. I know who and what I am”.

© Cliona O’Conaill 17.10.24




Enter the monthly prize draw to win a free session. Email me to enter on The draw happens on the last day of the month.

Crystalline Matrix (20-minute sessions)
The Crystalline matrix clears low frequency energetics & brings in higher levels of light. It can be programmed for abundance, balance, healing, beauty, teeth healing, rejuvenation, or whatever you want. (These videos are starting to appear on You Tube).

Sacred Technology (30-minute sessions)
1. Safety Crystal Cocoon – to heal trauma, repair and balance the nervous system and create a sense of safety.
2. The golden angelic blanket – to calm and sooth.


Low price sessions for subscribers till end of November
Subscribers pay from €/£90 – 188. (The usual price starts at 100). Available online, and in person in Corfu.


Thank you for your support love. I always love hearing from you so keep me posted.